What our customers are saying
Thank you Walt! I had several issues including rats in the wall, termites and bugs. You took care of the problems the first time around. It is always appreciated to have an expert in the field with reasonable pricing.
Sleep soundly with our expert bed bug treatments!

Are bed bugs keeping your family from a good nights rest? Bedbugs are a menace because they can transmit Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite that causes Chagas disease, one of the most prevalent and deadly diseases in the Americas. The normal lifespan is 2-3 months. The female bed bug can produce from 200-500 healthy eggs during her lifetime and may lay from 2-5 eggs each day. All the more reason to exterminate proactively to control if not eliminate the population.
They are called bedbugs because of their ideal habitat is in human homes: sofas, bed mattresses, and other soft furnishings. Their company is apparent because their excrement leaves brown to black stains on mattresses and linens, and bloodstains are left behind if they are crushed.Adults are about the size of an apple seed, 5-7 mm or 3/16 - 1/4 inches, and are brown, but appear reddish-brown when distended with blood. Young bed bugs look like little versions of their parents. Their bodies are flat and oval-shaped.